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Thursday, November 17, 2005

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Google Stock Now $400

Google stock closed a little over $400 today. I remember watching the Jim Cramer's show Mad Money this past summer when the stock was around $300-350 and he said that their stock woould reach $400. However, there were a lot of skeptics who did not believe him and actually hiw creditbility was question since the very next few days Google stock dropped. But looks who gets the last laugh now.

If you would have listen to Cramer this summer you would have at least profit $50-100 if you bought it this summer. Though just imagine if you bought this stock a year ago at $160 and even better their IPO at around $85. You would be real excited about today.

Check out the full story: Google Stock Crosses $400 a Share Threshold

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love how exciting the stock market is. And stocks like Google (GOOG) are part of the reason why I think the stock market is so important to understand. Who would have thought that in August 2004 that Google’s IPO at $85 would eventually be a $400 stock? Not many analysts were saying that. Maybe if it was 1999, $400 for one share of Google stock would not have seemed that far fetched. But in 2005? No way were the analysts forecasting that. But if you think about it, everyone uses Google, or at least, everyone that I talk to. Google is the benchmark for internet search. Everyone who has a website wants it to be the number search result when someone types in key words for their website. I’m sure you feel that exact same way about your blog! When someone types in Money and Business, you want your site to be number one, and people are willing to pay for it. Cramer is a smart guy, but make sure to do your own research. Google is such an exciting stock, where do you think it will be one year from now? Great blog Pedro, I like the topics you present in it.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Pedro Moore said...

You are exactly right Seth. Many people use Google. There some people that have google as their home page and matter fact it's actually becoming a verb. People don't really say I'm going to search something online, they say I'm going to "Google" it. In addition a lot of markerters are basing their stratgies around Google. So Google is just exploding and those 2 founders are just filthy rich.

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Deals Hunt said...

You are absolutely right "Seth".When someone types in Money and Business, you want your site to be number one, and people are willing to pay for it.

1:05 AM  

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