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Monday, April 25, 2005

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Not for Profit teaching kids Money & Business

Having a Non-Profit Organization for young kids ages 11-17 that teaches them about personal finance and entrepreneurship, is that a good idea or not? If so, how can I make it attractive and entertaining so kids would be interested in attending? This program will have to compete with various other programs (i.e. art, sports, fashion etc.) which are obviously more attractive than business. Please add comments and advice. Thank you.
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Blogger Amy Tiso said...

Pedro- I think you should do some research to see if this need exits and what your specific target market would be. Also, you should examine similar businesses or businessed with similar concepts or approaches. Investigate their best practices, strenths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Use these and relate them to your business. Additionally, starting a business plan is always a great start. There are numerous resources to help you start your business plan such as some of the professors at UD who specialize in entrepreneurship. Good luck!

9:09 AM  
Blogger Pedro Moore said...

Hey Amy! Thanks for the advice. I alread done some rearch of existing programs that are similiar. There are 2 popular programs, The Money Camp and Young Biz, but also and each city they may have some small program that serves the purpose. I also already made a buisness plan, but my problem is just making it interesting. Entrepreneurhsip and Personal Finance are not the most exciting topics in the world for teens, however that is my goal to some how make it exciting. Thanks again Amy for your comments.

2:16 PM  

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